t: 01355 229522 e: enquiries@naturalyoubeauty.co.uk
Eyelash Extensions from Natural You - Beauty Salon - East Kilbride
We Specialise in Eyelash Extensions and offer a wide variety of different Lashes to suit everyones needs.
Party Lashes
Temporary. Great for a night out.
Lash in a Flash
A quick application of lash extensions that lasts up to 2 weeks (removal included). These can be bespoken to required length and curl.
Russian Express Lashes
Ideal for a party, a holiday or a special occasion. Great for sparse lashes, gives volume as well as length (removal included). Lasts up to 2 weeks.
Classic Lashes
Also known as semi permanent lashes, great for those wanting to ditch the mascara and have perfect looking lashes. Maintenance top ups required every 2 weeks . These lashes are great to achieve more length, lift and make the eyelashes fuller if a good lash line is there to work with. Refills are required from an average of 2-3 weeks. Over 3 weeks lashes need to be seen and assessed.
Russian Volume Lashes
These lashes are great for clients looking for a boost in volume as well as length, or clients who suffer with naturally sparse lashes. The russian volume treatment is like no other. Another welcome advantage is the lightness and strength, the lashes flex more easily and place less strain in the natural lashes. They can be left to naturally shed over a 5 - 6 week period, however they are advised for long term wear getting filled every 2 - 3 weeks.
Hybrid Lashes
These are a 50% volumes 50% classics mix. 2 different curls are also used to create a fluffy, wispy textured look. again these will require infills every 2-3 weeks if you want them to remain on long term.
Removals for Classic, Russian and Hybrid prices can be seen on Pricelist, If we applied your lashes and you are getting another lash extension service, this will be deducted off treatment of performed within a week of removal.
NOTE we will not fill other salons Lashes. A lash tint is advised prior to lash extension services, especially on fairer lashes, this must be done 72 hours prior to lash extension application and requires a patch test at least 24 hours prior to treatment.
Find Us
Natural You Beauty Salon
1 Kittoch St, East Kilbride, Glasgow. G74 4JL
01355 229522
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©2023 Natural You -Beauty Salon - East Kilbride.
Natural You Beauty LTD. Company number SC361823